A brief History
Java Loenpiais a typical snack native to the city of Semarang, born because of his interest and desire to continue to develop her family's heritage recipes and preserve the existence of loenpia. Lunpia taste from Java Loenpia has a distinctive taste with recipes passed down from generation to generation.
5 th Generation
The birth of Java Loenpia was initiated by Shella Audry, who is the fifth generation of the Loenpia Dynasty in Semarang City.
As the next generation of the Loenpia Semarang Family, Shella Audry strives to continue to innovate, but also does not forget to maintain the characteristics or recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation by her grandfather, Siem Swie Yek.

As the next generation of the Loenpia Semarang Family, Shella Audry strives to continue to innovate, but also does not forget to maintain the characteristics or recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation by her grandfather, Siem Swie Yek.

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